Frequently Asked Questions

What ages do these Workshops cover?

You’ll find the workshops address issues for kids and teens of all ages.

Will this cover ERP?

No, these OCD workshops cover specific topics around OCD. They are not meant to replace our foundational courses like, How to Teach Kids to Crush OCD and Crushing OCD Course for Kids & Teens, that teach you how to do ERP.

When are the workshops and how long do I have access to them?

The workshops are on demand and you can watch them at anytime. You will have life time access to them.

Can I get a refund if I'm unhappy with my purchase?

Yes, although we know that you’ll find so much value packed into these 6 workshops, you can get a refund within 30 days of purchase.

If I took one of your courses will I benefit from these workshops as well?

Yes! These workshops cover different, very specific topics on how OCD impacts your child, your home and their education.

How long is each workshop?

I’ve packed tons of concrete support and guidance in 40 to 70 minute workshops.